Calliope: A steam-whistle organ AND the Greek muse of eloquence & poetry! How cool is that? (Pronounced ka-lie-a-pee). Next blog I'll introduce made-up words that should become facts of life.
When's the last time you had to watch out for a fast-moving island?
I've mentioned this before, but SO excited about July 8 James Street North Art Crawl in Hamilton; ZOO art exhibit is happening, which includes several Sheridan Illustration alumni, including Jacqui Oakley and Dushan Milic...can't stand the wait.
Another Sheridan alumnist, Marco Cibola, whose work (and mentoring) I deeply appreciate:
German director & actor Werner Herzog reads Where's Waldo?. Seriously. Very seriously.
On Kayla Cassivi's advice, I picked up Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills from Chapters. She and I are going to meet weekly to work through the challenges and absorb caffeine. I'll let you know how we like it!