Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Favourite word #8: Perspicacious

Perspicacious:  intuitive, perceptive, clear-thinking, forward-thinking, as in "It would have been perspicacious of me to realize I would become weary of the favourite word thing sooner than later.  It ends now.

I decided it's probably safe now to post the piece I did for Pentimento Gallery's Homegirls exhibit that they held in August.  The idea was to illustrate your favourite Canadian heroine.  I chose Emily Carr, not only because she should have made the Group of Seven the Group of Eight, but also because she was also an accomplished, award-winning author.  Think Lucy Maud Montgomery with a serious attitude. I used hand-drawn typography to work all of her book titles into the skirt of young Emily.  I layered a totem face watercolour into older Emily's smock, and Lodgepole Pine needles (used to make totem poles) into the monkey's fur.  Emily Carr had a menagerie of animals, which usually included a monkey: the monkeys were all named Woo.  Haven't you always wanted a monkey?

Hitoko Okada (Hitokoo) is a Hamilton fabric artist whose 'seashore' collars have stolen my fancy.  They're whimsical, costumey, and romantic.  I covet them all.
She also bakes a mean vol-au-vent and gluten-free baked yummies at Picone Fine Foods and Grocer in Dundas, Ontario.